Social Justice Activist & Cultural Critic
For A Sustainable Environment

Simply paying lip service to a sustainable environment is not enough. We must demand that our leaders to lead by adopting sustainable transportation and living practices in their own lives. Dr. Upal is a life long bicycling enthusiast and an active member of Vaughan Bike User's Group. He also served as citizen representative on City of Vaughan's Cycling and Pedestrian Advisory Task Force.
Against Misogyny

Having been a life-long feminst, Dr. Upal belives that lack of women's rights in the Muslim world is a defining issue of our times. He founded and lead internet's first Muslim feminist group called Pacawom.
Against Violent Extremism

Dr. Upal has argued that a law-enforcement based approach to fighting violent extremism in insufficient because it does not address the problem of preventing radicalization of our youth. In order to address the long term problem of violent extremism, we must identify and wage a war (of ideas) against ideologies that give birth to and sustain violent extremism.
Against Poverty & Hunger

Child poverty is not a choice. Dr. Upal served as a chair of the University of Alberta's Campus Food Bank Board of governors.

Dr. Upal participating in discussion on countering violent extremism and radicalization for Rogers TV's program insight aired on 5 August 2015.